
Anchorage in Kastri

The area of Kastri and the anchorage in Palaikastro
The area of Kastri and the anchorage in Palaikastro
Below the hill of Kastri there is an area which is protected from the strong winds of this region and which forms a natural anchorage point. There is a pleasant beach in front of the Minoan city of Palaikastro with a view of the hill of Kastri, the anchorage point, and the island.

Photos of Anchorage in Kastri:

Hiona beach
Hiona beach
Hiona beach
Hiona beach
The anchorage below Kastri, Palaikastro
The anchorage below Kastri, Palaikastro
The area of Kastri and the anchorage in Palaikastro
The area of Kastri and the anchorage in Palaikastro