Cretan Laouto by Giorgos Xylouris - August 29 - September 3, 2011
The laouto was originally the most important instrument of accompaniment in Cretan music, but, in recent decades, it has also developed into a solo instrument in its own right. Giorgos Xylouris has played a very important role in this process, not only due to his numerous technical innovations, but especially due to his aesthetic approach. He studiously avoids any innovations which compromise the aesthetic individuality of Cretan music, whilst simultaneously working in a very creative and imaginative way with any elements which compliment it. This is a very difficult and time-consuming process which started many decades ago with his uncle Giannis Xylouris, who was considered to be one of the foremost laouto players of the second half of the 20th century, and who was Giorgos' teacher. Today Giannis and Giorgos Xylouris often perform duets together in which the laouto is featured as a solo instrument of exceptional beauty. In this seminar Giorgos will teach various aspects of the technique of the laouto as well as shedding light on the repertoire of Cretan music.
- All the seminar's participants are kindly requested to state the time and way of their arrival to Heraklion as well as the time and way of their departure at least ten days before the beginning of the seminar.
- On the departure date, students must free their rooms, the latest until 10:00 a.m
- Information concerning your transportation from/to the airport or port will be sent to you via e-mail one week before each seminar as long as you have sent us information concerning your arrival and departure.
Prices and other information.In order to register for the seminar, please send an e-mail at
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including the seminar that you wish to participate, your full name and contact details (e-mail, telephone, address), or contact by phone or fax, Monday-Friday, from 08:00 a.m. - 14:00 p.m. Tel/Fax: +30 2810 741027.
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