Crete TOURnet: Home Hotels Apartments Agriorodo



Unterkunftsart: Apartments

The traditional houses "Agriorodo" are located at the famous "Omalos" plateau in Crete at the location called "Mahi" surrounded by the high mountaintops of Lefka Ori at an altitude of 1200 meters and 38 kilometers from the town of Chania. From Xyloskalo, a location 800 meters from our traditional houses begins the path of the longest (16 kilometers) and most beautiful gorge in Europe the famous Samaria Gorge.

In this outstanding and full of history landscape we have built a complex of traditional houses out of natural stone. The complex consists of 7 houses of which 2 are maisonetes.

They are fully furnished with all the accomodations required for all year long vacation. They can host 30 people with the ability to add 7 more beds in total. They have internet access satellite TV and due to their location there is no need for a/c. Due to their unique design you can discuss with us in order to accommodate you with a house that meets your needs.

Location Mahi, Oropedio Omalou

Anzahl der Zimmer: 23
Anzahl der Betten: 37

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