Crete TOURnet: Home Hotels Apartment Hotels Madonna Studios Apartments

Madonna Studios Apartments

Madonna Studios Apartments
Madonna Studios Apartments

Unterkunftsart: Apartment Hotels

Offering free parking and internet access, Madonna Studios is located in a charming area, on a picturesque street in the west part of the old town, next to the Nautical Museum.
The “Madonna”, a Venetian building of 1252, is a small traditional hotel in the old town, which consummate 5 apartments. Made of stone and wood, ornate with a garden full of beautiful flowers, given the impression of a “good-natured house” than an impersonal hotel. The apartments are equipped with beautiful wooden balcony, comfortable bath, air condition, refrigerator, kitchen, television, telephone and distance only 50m from the old harbour.

There is free public parking 80 metres away, and the town beach is a 10-minute walk from the hotel. Many tavernas also are nearby.

This small hotel is very near the Archaeological Museum, Byzantine Museum, the market and old harbour.

Antoniou Gamba 33, 73100, Chania
28210 94747, 6976 694453
28210 76602

Madonna Studios ApartmentsMadonna Studios ApartmentsMadonna Studios ApartmentsMadonna Studios ApartmentsMadonna Studios ApartmentsMadonna Studios ApartmentsMadonna Studios ApartmentsMadonna Studios ApartmentsMadonna Studios ApartmentsMadonna Studios ApartmentsMadonna Studios ApartmentsMadonna Studios Apartments
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