Crete TOURnet: Home Hotels Traditionelle Hotels Ifigenia Studios and Suites

Ifigenia Studios and Suites

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Ifigenia Studios and Suites

Unterkunftsart: Traditionelle Hotels

Ifigenia Studios has rooms and studios for rent situated in several buildings in the historical center of the old city of Chania. The architectonic and the decoration of the complex follow the traditional Venetian style of the colorful old city of Chania, always characterized from a mystical atmosphere of the past. The studios also offer amazing view to the sea and the old town.

At Ifigenia Studios everybody is welcome, whether young or old. The lodging units are of great variety, being compatible with various tastes and needs: simple or more demanding.
A warm atmosphere and comfortable accommodation is what we offer, with our main concern the well being and the comfort of our guests.

Old Town - 73131 Chania, Chania
+30 28210 94357
+30 28210 36104

Anzahl der Zimmer: 28
Oeffnungszeiten: all year

Ifigenia StudiosIfigenia StudiosIfigenia StudiosIfigenia StudiosIfigenia StudiosIfigenia StudiosIfigenia StudiosIfigenia StudiosIfigenia StudiosIfigenia Studios
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