Crete TOURnet: Home Hotels Apartment Hotels Blazis House

Blazis House

Blazis House
Blazis House

Unterkunftsart: Apartment Hotels

Blazi's house located in Almyrida village a perfect place for a quiet family holiday, plenty of sun and sea. Just 150 meters from Blazi's house you will find excellent sandy beaches safe for the children and offer good opportunity for swimming, fishing, snorkeling and scuba diving. You can also hire wind surfers and sailing boats for day trips around the peninsular. Blazis house: Your family holidays paradise in Almyrida The apartments are located at the quiet part of Almyrida only 150m from the beach. All the apartments are comfortable and equipped in cretan traditional style. The apartments are although equipped with air condition There is a fireplace in two bigger apartments. The property around the Hotel is well looked after and nice planted and there is also a parking The apartments have swimming pool. The apartments is equipped with satellite-TV (Euronews and BBC)

2109410706, 6932693364, 2825032151

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