The program of winter and spring seminars for 2011 is ready. As every year, this winter Labyrinth continues its educational work during the winter and spring months until the beginning of May. The program consists of 11 seminars taught by renowned musicians from Greece and abroad. Of special interest this winter is the seminar of Ömer Erdoğdular which will focus on the musical tradition of the order of Mevlevi dervishes. He will be teaching the Acemaşiran Ayin, a very long composition in this makam, composed by Ηüseyin Fahreddin Dede (1854-1911) which will take place March 31st-April 5th. This seminar can be attended by musicians that are interested in Classical Ottoman music and play any instrument (within the modal tradition). Another seminar of special interest in the program is Zohar Fresco's "Rhythmic training, composition and improvisation seminar" (February 24th-March 1st) which will be for musicians that do not necessarily play percussion but realize the necessity of rhythmic comprehension. Of course Zohar Fresco will also be teaching another seminar especially directed at percussionists (rhythms and technique, February 17-22).
View the list of seminars displayed below and register for the ones that you are interested in at
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The cost of each seminar is 250 euros (accommodation and breakfast included)