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Events and Festivals in Crete


1st Symposium of Greek Gastronomy
1st Symposium of Greek Gastronomy
16.07.2011 - 17.07.2011 
Karanou - Chania
Cultural Event


Cretan cuisine: History, Evolution, Questions and Answers (?)
July 16-17, 2011, Karanou (Municipality of Platanias, Chania/Crete)
Saturday, July 16:
8:30 Registration
9.30 Welcome messages from Ioannis Malandrakis, Mayor of Platatanias, and the organizers Mariana Kavroulaki & Stavroula Markoulaki, president of Historical, Folklore and Archaeological Society of Crete.
Session I Chair: Kostas Moutzouris
10:00 The importance, for archaeology, to study the fauna and the flora on excavations in Greece in order to address a more complete study of ancient diets.
Anaya Sarpaki Dr. Archaeologist / Archaeobotanist & Melpo Skoula Dr. Βiologist/ Botanist, Park for the Preservation of Flora and Fauna at the TUC
10:20 Tastes from seeds in prehistoric Greece: seeking continuities and discontinuities in archaeo-botanical data.
Sultana Maria Valamoti, Αrchaeologist /Assistant Professor, AUTH
10:40 "Lucullian meals" depicted in the mosaics of ancient Kissamos.
Stavroula Markoulaki, Ph.D Αrchaeologist
11:00 Questions and answers
11:20 Edible Wild weeds in Venetian Crete (Poster).
Kyriaki Panteli, Social Geographer
11:40 Coffee / Mountain Tea Break with a parade of Cretan cheeses, local preserved meat, home made bread, olives and more.
Session II Chair: Stavroula Markoulaki
12:00 Botanical Diversity in the Cretan Diet.
Melpo Skoula, Dr., Biologist / Botanist- Anaya Sarpaki, Dr. Arcaeologist/Archaeobotanist, Park for the Preservation of Flora and Fauna, Technical University of Crete - Costanza Dal Cin D'Agata, Biologist, Park for the Preservation of Flora and Fauna, Technical University of Crete
12:20 Wild leafy greens in the "Cretan diet".
Costas D. Economakis, Agronomist, former Senior Researcher ΕΘΙΑΓΕ
12:40 Ten Edible Native Grasses and their Involvement in the Diet of the Present-Day Inhabitants of Eastern Crete Today.
Antonia Psaroudakis, Agricultural University of Athens, Department of Crop Production, Agricultural Experimentation and Laboratory of Plant Breeding / Technological Institute of Crete, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics (speaker) - Petros Dimitropoulakis, Technological Institute of Crete, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics - Theofanis Constantinides, National and Capodistrian University of Athens, Department of Biology, Department of Ecology and Taxonomy - Andreas Katsiotis, Agricultural University of Athens, Department of Crop Production, Agricultural Experimentation and Laboratory of Plant Breeding - George Skarakis, Agricultural University of Athens, Department of Crop Production, Agricultural Experimentation and Laboratory of Plant Breeding
13:00 Laban, jameed, kishk, and more: yoghurt and yoghurt-based products in the Levant.
Carol Palmer, Ethnobotanist / Director of the British Institute in Amman, Jordan
13:20 Questions and answers
Lunch on your own
Session III Chair: Anaya Sarpaki
18:00 The Cretan diet on the edge of nutritional epidemiology since the 1950s. Are there more secrets to reveal?
Antonia-Leda Matalas, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Harokopio University, Athens
18:20 Dietary Change in Crete.
Tourlouki Eleni, Public Health Nutritionist - Christos Lionis - Foteini Anastasiou- Evangelia Ladoukaki - Maria Antonopoulou - Ioanna Tsiligianni - Nikos Tsakountakis- Kornillia Makri - Demosthenes Panagiotakos
18: 40 The Cretan Diet and its Position of Nutritional Education in the Prevention of Childhood Obesity.
Joana Petraki, Dietitian / Nutritionist
19:00 Questions and answers
Pre-dinner drinks and beverages
20:45 Dinner Buffet for Registered Guests. The people of Karanou will bring food and recipes to share.
Sunday, July 17:
9:00 Sunday morning trip to Omalos plateau.
Learn how to make staka, the traditional local butter.
Session IV Chair: Katerina Tzanakaki
17:20 The myth of Cretan cuisine in Anatolia.
Fusun Ertug, Ph.D Archaeologist / Ethnobotanist
17:40 The population exchange and Cretan cuisine are alive and well in Izmir.
Özlem Yaşayanlar, Translator/ food -blogger
18: 00 The relationship between the Cretan kitchen, food memories and identity - some observations from a Cretan food blogger.
Maria Verivaki, English teacher at MAICh / food blogger
18:20 The rizitiko music genre and Cretan nutrition (Rizitika as a fifth component of the Cretan diet).
Antonis Mavridakis, Psychiatrist - Psychotherapist
18:40 Questions and answers
Session V Chair: Jennifer Moody
19:00 The Cretan vineyard: one of the most ancient vineyards.
Antonis Dourakis, Owner of Dourakis Winery / President of the Winery Network in Chania-Rethymnon
19: 20 Transformations and reviews of the role of table wine on the modern Greek table.
Alexandros Sakkas, wine writer/ wine critic/ wine educator
19:40 A king from rags and patches.
Mary Frangaki, former TV producer; alternative tourism business owner.
20:00 Questions and answers
20:20 Jennifer Moody, Dr., Archaeologist, and Mariana Kavroulaki, independent researcher of the History of Greek Food and co-organizer of Symposium will conclude the work of the conference following the presentations, discussion of the papers and recommendations of those attending the conference.
21:00 Farewell dinner: From austerity to feast; Cretan cuisine tells its stories.
For further information click here.


Karanou, Municipality of Platanias
Страна: gr

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