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Ancient City of Rizinia

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Ruins at the site of Rizinia
Ruins at the site of Rizinia
About 1km north of the village is the site of the ancient city Rizinia on top of a hill named Patela. There are no signs to the site but the hill is easily seen. There is a path to the summit and a caretaker will open the gate. The site attracts few visitors as the excavations are not extensive, but there is a spectacular view north to Iraklion, south over the Mesara Plain, and east to the mountains of Lassithi. The site of Prinias had been in use since 1500 B.C. through the Late Minoan and the Greek Periods. It is believed that Prinias was also a refuge site for Eteocretans, similar to the one in Karfi. A sanctuary found at the eastern part of the hill revealed numerous finds associated with the snake cult, as well as a goddess figurine with raised arms similar to the one found in Karfi.
Two seventh century B.C. temples were also found in the middle of the plateau. One shows a strong Minoan influence. Its temple was probably dedicated to Rhea and it had reliefs of the lion goddess. The temple has been reconstructed in the Iraklion Museum. The other temple is similar to the temple of Apollo in Driros and has more Greek influence.
On the western side of the hill was a castle dating from the fourth to fifth century B.C. and a cemetery.

Photos of Ancient City of Rizinia:

The site of ancient Rizinia
The site of ancient Rizinia
The site of ancient Rizinia on Patela Hill
The site of ancient Rizinia on Patela Hill
Ruins at the site of Rizinia
Ruins at the site of Rizinia
The site of ancient Rizinia
The site of ancient Rizinia
The ancient site of Rizinia
The ancient site of Rizinia
Ruins at the site of Rizinia
Ruins at the site of Rizinia
Ruins at the site of Rizinia
Ruins at the site of Rizinia
Visit the area of the sight: Prinias