Crete TOURnet: Home Критская кухня Classic Cretan recipes: Artichokes with Broad Beans

Classic Cretan recipes: Artichokes with Broad Beans

(servesArtichokes with Broad Beans 6)


12 medium-sized artichokes
1 kg broad beans
1 water glass oil
2 tbsp. dill, finely chopped
the juice of 2 medium-sized lemons
1 tbsp. flour (for all uses)
salt, pepper


Clean and wash the artichokes. Cut them in four or leave them whole and put them in bowl of water and some lemon juice in order for them not to turn black. Clean the broad beans while keeping the husk if it is tender. Put the oil in a saucepan and when it starts to sizzle, add the broad beans and dill and cook for 5-7 minutes. Then add the artichokes, some water, salt and pepper and cook for 20-25 minutes at normal heat. Put the lemon juice and flour in a big glass and mix them very well in order for the flour to dissolve completely. Three minutes before removing the food from the fire, add the mixture in the saucepan and stir the food well.