The idea: One August sunset, the whole island of Crete is dancing to its unique rhythms. The main event takes place in the central road axis of Crete between Chania in the west and Aghios Nikolaos in the east, a length of 200,000 kilometres. It starts with a slow dance, the siganos, with 250000 plus dancing people, followed by professional Cretan dancers and "Friends of Crete" dancers, organized through local, national, and worldwide dance groups from New Zealand to Alaska, Canada, Greenland to Antarctica.
This event will capitalize on the advantages of the closing down of the island at night time. During the event, Crete, "Planet Crete", will be sending messages of fellowship, love and togetherness to all the peoples of the Earth, inviting them to dance along and come together to become one.
Purpose: To create an annual event "Day of Dance for All Peoples of the Planet", attracting the interest of international media in this unique event of planet-wide dimensions and and capitalizing on such interest.
Support for the event:
a) Participation of the island's dancers: In the morning of the event, local committees will bestow honours to the people who contribute to the development and promotion of Crete throughout the world. It is hoped that such acknowledgement will also attract the target number of 250,000 dancers.
Enhancing incentives for participation/ presence:
• Providing free lessons in Cretan dances to visitors / tourists
• Competition for "Mantinada" (4 line poem), the theme of which will be about the event
• Loyalty card: "Friends of Crete"
• "Prizes of Crete"
• Potential twinning with another area
b) Financial incentives/ Media and Communication incentives: There will be opportunities for sponsoring, special offers, etc.
c) Consanguinity: It is hoped that the people of Crete and the "Friends of Crete" will be present at every step of the process of this event, including the membership of the organizing committee and of other participating groups.
d) Organization: The first meeting for the constitution of the organizing committee will be set when a minimum of 50 countries have sent applications to participate, with suggestions/ ideas about the event, about the development of an organizing committee working across the world, etc.
Communication with organizing members on the day of the meetings will take place through teleconference.
e) Prizes: Guinness Prize and named "Prize of Crete" will be awarded to participants regardless of whether they live in Crete or in their own country.
There are various benefits:
• Promoting Crete and Greece throughout the planet
• Increased tourism in Crete and Greece during a time of recession
• Cretan migrants meeting with their families and friends in Crete
• Contribution of Crete in the coming together and fellowship of all the peoples of the Earth
• Potential twinning with another area
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