The Harvester 's Vase from Agia Triada
During Minoan times a road ran from Festos to the royal palace of Agia Triada. This palace, or villa, may have been the summer residence of the kings of Festos, although this remains a mystery. Even the ancient place name remains unknown. The current name comes from a nearby fourteenth century church, Agia Triada. Nonetheless, Agia Triada must have been an important place due to the impressive artworks found here. The famous larnax of Agia Triada, the black steatite vases with farmers, athletes, and the king were found here.
Habitation at the site was continuous from the Neolithic Period until 1897 when it was looted by the Turks and abandoned. The palace itself dates from around 1600 B.C., when the Minoan civilization was at the height of its prosperity. There was extensive rebuilding during the Mycenaean period.
The floor plan of the palace differs from other Minoan architecture in its simple L-shape. Missing are the characteristic central court and lustral basins. In the corner of the L-shape is the courtyard. To the left are the royal apartments, which looked out toward the sea. The treasury and other storerooms were probably in the main section of the "L".
To the north of the site are the remains of the town which surrounded the palace. A row of shops, identical in size and fronted by a covered portico, run in a line down the hill. Across from the shops are the houses of the town. Beyond the shops is the cemetery where archaeologists found the famous Agia Triada sarcophagus.
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Photos of Agia Triada - The Minoan Palace:

Chieftain Cup from Agia Triada

Chieftain Cup from Agia Triada

Agia Triada Church near the site of Agia Triada

The Boxer Rhyton from Agia Triada

The Harvester 's Vase from Agia Triada
Visit the area of the sight: Agia Triada
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